Why Is ENDEAVR a Revolutionary Model for Higher Education? https://youtu.be/cH8I0KE95tE.
In the Spring of 2020, we successfully trained 104 Texas A&M students from civil/electrical/mechanical engineering, computer science, landscape architecture, urban planning, and visualization. Students formed ten interdisciplinary teams. Each team developed smart-city projects in Nolanville, Texas, a small community located in central Texas.
Each of the ten interdisciplinary teams worked with community advisors and industry advisors to transform Nolanville, Texas, into a smart town by turning emerging technologies into solutions.
Team Bravos: https://youtu.be/zH0OubsYndM
Team Elevate: https://youtu.be/3O98CRlAJE4
Team ENDEAVROne: https://youtu.be/PNoDACu4cmA
Team IntegrateX: https://youtu.be/Sa4eiAcEAbM
Team No Flood Zone: https://youtu.be/9W5AJAtN1cA
Team NolanvillE: https://youtu.be/yy9N2XxBDVI
Team Spark: https://youtu.be/mtr1auvOSNY
Team Synergy Creative: https://youtu.be/e_WxNN2r7Gc
Team Titanium 22: https://youtu.be/0EpMO2u7ET8
Team Urban Intelligence: https://youtu.be/Knw2Xup5_AQ
More than 20 advisors from the industry, community, and academia attended the presentations and offered comments. Five teams and 11 individuals won ENDEAVR awards: ps://bit.ly/33cg5Lb